AR15 handguards and Articles for 02/13/2010

Febuary 13, 2010

Command Arms Accessories Ar-15/M16/M4 Modular Buttstock Review
By Adam
Review of the Command Arms Accessories Ar-15/M16/M4 Modular Buttstock.
Keep and Bear Arms Now! -


S&W M&P15-22 vs. Sig522 - Tennessee Gun Owners
Controls are exactly like my AR-15. You can put any AR-15 buttstock (mil-spec tube), pistol grip, or trigger you want in the 15-22. The 15-22 has a free floating match grade barrel and quad rail ...
Tennessee Gun Owners -


M4 vs. Mid-Length - KISS rifle - AR15.COM
Which would you rather get as a first AR and KISS rifle. I would probably just add the Primary Arms 4x compact scope and then a BUIS. Or maybe just a BUIS. ...

Complete Del-ton M4 AR-15 rifle kits $485 -
Complete Del-ton M4 AR-15 rifle kits $485 Private Firearm Parts & Accessories Sales.


PLR-16 - DefensiveCarry Concealed Carry Forum
By jwalker497
Does it replace my AR-15? No, but if I need more range, accuracy, and power than my sidearm and I need it in hurry, I can grab my PLR and put it into action much faster than getting my AR-15 out of the back. ...
DefensiveCarry Concealed Carry Forum -


Can an ar15 right handed lower connect to a left handed upper ...
I have a right handed ar15 a2. (bushmaster) i want…


Sizer says changes in the works after shooting
After Frashour fired his AR-15 rifle and hit Campbell, Campbell remained on the ground for up to 43 minutes while officers waited for the SERT team to ...