AR-15 kits for October 23, 2016

AR-15 kits for October 23, 2016

AR-15 kits for October 23, 2016


The plaintiffs claimed that allowing any civilian to own an AR-15-type rifle fell under “negligent entrustment.” You could see where the end result of that .

At this point, the victim instructed the second victim to grab an AR-15 firearm from within the home. The suspect reportedly fled the scene eastbound on 
AR-15 Daniel Defense M4V9 Picatinny quad rail fixed iron sights
Low profile AR-15 sights for picatinny rails front and back. Inspired by other designs on here, but built up from scratch. Printed at 101% scale and.
AP Top News at 11:15 am EDT
AP Top News at 11:15 a.m. EDT ... him a liberal by running an ad in which he assembles an AR-15rifle blindfolded and describes his combat service
Then Kander released a television ad last month in which he put an AR-15 assault rifle together blindfolded while reciting a script about gun rights, ...
The clip shows Kander, a former Army captain, wearing a blindfold while effortlessly assembling an AR-15 assault rifle. At the same time, Kander ..